Our Peru gives your the insider’s view, while still experiencing the ‘must see’ sites. Whether yo prefer to take a thrilling cable-car ride to the ruins of Kuelap, hike to the base of Gogta waterfall considered the third-tallest-free-leaping.

destinations of PERU

Destinations and activities 

hand picked to fit your journey.


Visit the colonial city of Arequipa to see some of the most important colonial sites in Peru such as the Santa Catalina Convent. Later shop for fine alpaca and vicuna garments at a factory store producing the latest fabrics for the top European designers. Embark on a fascinating exploration of the ruggedly beautiful land around Arequipa and the Colca Canyon.

Colca Canyon, one of the deepest gorges in the world

Witness the engineering genius of the pre-Incas in the form of irrigation canals and terraces still in use today.

CARAL Highlights:

Explore one the most enigmatic and least visited archeological complexes in the Americas. The pre-Inca complex of Caral. This UNESCO World Heritage Site (5,000 years) is the most ancient city in the Americas. Located 120 miles north of Lima, our two-day program will take you not only to Caral but also you will be able to discover two other magnificent ruins and stay at a historical hacienda.

The most ancient city in the Americas.

A visual spectacle you will not soon forget.

LIMA Highlights:

Lima is the gateway to your Peruvian journey. With its magnificent squares, monasteries, churches and colonial buildings, UNESCO declared Colonial Lima in 1991 a World Heritage. A great selection of world class museums sets the stage for your on-site visit to the most important pre-Inca and Inca monuments of Peru.

Gastronomical capital of South America

We highly recommend you experience what many experts consider to be one of the best cuisines in the world.

CUSCO Highlights:

At 11,200 feet above sea level, the city of Cusco is the heart of Tahuantinsuyo, Peru’s pre – Colombian Empire. Cusco today is the oldest continuosly inhabited city in South America, a fascinating and colorful paradox of the past and the present.
Explore Cusco visiting the Temple of the Sun, the Cathedral and the immense walled complex of Sacsayhuaman

Machu Picchu preserves the most perfect picture

of what the Inca world must have been like.

MANU Highlights:

This is the ultimate nature journey, which combines the best of Manu’s Biosphere Reserve and National Park. The journey begins with a spectacular descent through mountainous cloud forest from the Andes to the Amazon, with lodge visits in the cloud forest and along the wild Alto Madre de Dios River, culminating in a lowland rainforest experience amidst the comfortable yet wildlife-rich surroundings of the famous Manu Wildlife Center.

We traverse the habitat of innumerable bird species.

The network trails, tower for forest canopy viewing and two adjacent pristine lakes round out the perfect rainforest experience.

PARACAS Highlights:

Venture into the Southern region of Coastal Peru. Fly over the enigmatic Nazca Lines legendary for its enormous figures and lines drawn into the desert floor. Also visit the most important wildlife sanctuary in the coast of Peru, the Marine Reserve of Paracas and home to condors, flamingos and the Humboldt penguin, among the 215 species of birds found in this unique desert paradise. Navigate the waters of the Pacific Ocean for a visit to Ballestas Island famous for its bird and sea lion colonies.

The most important wildlife sanctuary in the coast of Peru

The Marine Reserve of Paracas and home to condors, flamingos and the Humboldt penguin, among the 215 species of birds found in this unique desert paradise.

PUNO Highlights:

Explore the small villages located along the shores of Lake Titicaca and visit some of their most important pre-Inca temples and Colonial churches. Navigate Lake Titicaca in a private fully equipped boat visiting the intriguing floating island of the Uros and other islands of Lake Titicaca like Taquile Island famous for its rich culture and textiles. Walk the trails of the inimitable pre-Inca burial site of Sillustani and enjoy its grand views of Lake Umayo.

Lake Titicaca like Taquile Island famous for its rich culture and textiles.

Walk the trails of the inimitable pre-Inca burial site of Sillustani and enjoy its grand views of Lake Umayo.

TARAPOTO Highlights:

There is more to Peru than Machu Picchu and Cusco. The Northern region of Peru is proof of this and it offers experiences that are beyond description. In addition to stunning scenery, featuring one the tallest waterfalls in the world, ancient cultures and pre-Inca ruins, you travel in a region inhabited by some of the most enigmatic birds in all of South America.

A region inhabited by some of the most enigmatic birds

This is an ideal adventure for birders, naturalists, photographers, and nature lovers.

TAMBOPATA Highlights:

Tambopata is a river, a national reserve and a province in the Madre de Dios State, located in southeastern Peru. It harbors some of the most bio-diverse rainforest in the country (and possibly the entire Amazon basin), vast protected areas, and is home to several thousand people. Remote, wild, but still easily accessible, this contrasting combination has helped the Tambopata Reserve become one of the global hotspots for ecotourism.

One of the global hotspots for ecotourism.

More than 1,000 butterfly species. Literally thousands of species of insects. Well over 100 species of amphibians and reptiles.