Standstill Clause in Confidentiality Agreement


A standstill clause in a confidentiality agreement is a provision that prevents one party from taking certain actions during a specified period of time. This clause is meant to protect the interests of both parties by limiting the scope of what can be discussed or disclosed.

There are several reasons why a standstill clause might be included in a confidentiality agreement. For one, it can be used to ensure that sensitive information remains private until a deal or negotiation has been reached. This can be particularly important in cases where one party is considering an acquisition or merger, as any premature disclosures could have a negative impact on the negotiations.

Another reason for including a standstill clause in a confidentiality agreement is to prevent competition or poaching of employees. For example, a company might share trade secrets or other proprietary information with a potential partner, but want to ensure that the partner doesn`t use that information to create a competing product or lure away key employees.

The specific terms of a standstill clause can vary widely depending on the nature of the agreement and the parties involved. Generally, these clauses will specify a period of time during which certain actions are prohibited. For example, the clause might prevent one party from entering into negotiations with a competitor or soliciting employees of the other party for a set period of time.

It`s important to note that standstill clauses are not always enforceable. Courts may view these clauses as a restraint of trade or a violation of antitrust laws, particularly if they are overly broad or restrictive. For this reason, it`s important to consult with an attorney when drafting a confidentiality agreement that includes a standstill clause.

In summary, a standstill clause can be a useful tool for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the interests of both parties are protected. However, these clauses must be carefully drafted and balanced against other legal considerations to be enforceable. If you`re considering including a standstill clause in a confidentiality agreement, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure that the agreement is legally sound and protects your interests.